Zac Cassidy - Business Manager F/S IEC 4th District Rep
Business Manager F/S IEC 4th District Rep
Justin McIntosh - President
Roger Moore - Vice President
Adam Campbell - Recording Secretary
Steven Sperduto - Treasurer
Executive Board
Charlie Weitzner - Executive Board
Richard Straughn - Executive Board
Chadwick Thomas - Executive Board
George Watson - Executive Board
Vincent Fortune Sr. - Executive Board
Rick Lopez - Organizer/ Dispatcher
Adam Campbell - Organizer
Office Staff
Giselle Lugo - Office Manager/Retirement & Death Benefits Coordinator
She will help you with your all your retirement benefits, death benefits, and office needs.
Office Manager/Retirement & Death Benefits Coordinator
Effie Cruz - Health & Welfare Coordinator
Here to help with your insurance needs, to take dues payment and general member needs.
Health & Welfare Coordinator
Marie Belony - WPB Administrative Assistant
WPB Administrative Assistant